Posted by: alexswallow | August 10, 2014

Sharing Positive News And Spreading A Little Happiness (My Top 10)

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Many of my readers will know that I support the positive news website, Good News Shared.

It is now a few months old and is growing in influence, with a strong following both on Twitter and Facebook.

Here is a poem I wrote where I sum up what it is about.

I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my favourite stories with you that have appeared on the site so far.

1- My favourite story is this- the best selfie ever! 

2- I’ve never been a big animal lover but the ‘Amazing Animal of the Month’ feature is turning me around. My favourite is Moses!

3- I also think this homeless kitten named after Lionel Messi is very cute.

4- With my passion for beer not lagging too far behind my passion for charities, this article about the world’s first nonprofit pub is perfect for me!

5- I very much enjoy the ‘Five For Friday’ feature where I get to learn about inspirational people. I’m very pleased that Fifi Kara was featured and Sok is an amazing example of how we should try to follow our dreams.

6- I’ve loved learning more about initiatives that support others like The Girls’ Network and The Outsiders’ Network.

7- As I often wish I knew more about charities in other countries, the feature during the World Cup on a charity in every qualifying country was particularly welcome.

8- Something I like about Good News Shared is that the stories are always charitable but don’t have to be about charities per se, such as this great story of a man who transformed himself into a seat for an elderly lady.

9- It has been gratifying to see that some of the most popular posts have been ones that covered very serious topics, like this one about how a man has found a great way to help deal with his depression.

10- Finally, who can resist the ‘Compare The’ Meerkats supporting Neighbourhood Watch?

Please remember that Good News Shared is always looking for positive news about charities and also volunteers to write about them, so if you are interested, please get in touch! Also if you would like to advertise via the site, there are some opportunities, again, please contact us.

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